Better Scenery


The hidden passageway of Angel Mews leads away from the penetrating noise of juggernauts and busses on the Pentonville Rd. In 2003, jammed between the branches of the single incongruous tree, was a large wooden board put there by the artist Adam Chodzko.

This board presented a set of carefully written instructions that told you how to walk out of the North Dakota town of Fargo; to follow a lane, to cross a ditch and eventually how to locate another wooden board that was standing in an open field. The text in the tree goes on to inform you that on this twin board you would find another set of instructions that describe to how to navigate through Islington, into Angel Mews and to the foot of this very tree.

The image of the sign sitting alone in a North Dakota flood plain is clear in my mind. I can imagine a Fargo resident standing in the field and in his head picturing his way to where I am standing – for a moment space and time collapse in a delicious confusion.