About Limbo

Limbo is a web-based art­work and iPhone App which presents and de­liv­ers live dig­i­tal draw­ings – re­ceive draw­ings as they are made, down­load the iPhone App  or fol­low on Twit­ter and Face­book.

Wan­der­ing the world over the last 11 years, Si­mon Faith­full has con­sis­tently made draw­ings on an elec­tronic de­vice that record his pres­ence in a par­tic­u­lar place, at a par­tic­u­lar mo­ment, some­where on the sur­face of the planet. At time of writ­ing, over 800 ob­ser­va­tional sketches record what he saw in each of these places. These de­tails of every­day life have slowly built up to record his wan­der­ings from Whitechapel High Street to Antarc­tica and back.

Limbo makes this en­tire back-cat­a­logue of draw­ings avail­able, and pre­sents new sketches live to the user, the mo­ment that they are made. This dig­i­tal, in­stan­ta­neous plat­form mir­rors the process by which Faith­full makes the draw­ings. The work also cre­ates a per­sonal at­las of the world, map­ping time and space, as ex­pe­ri­enced by one in­di­vid­ual, on an on­go­ing ba­sis.