In a wilderness at the heart of Berlin a strange apparition occured. Mobile Research Station no.1 was a curious hybrid – half hi-tech Antarctic Research Station / half rusty-broken-dumpster. Using a standard building-waste container as its basis, the station nevertheless formed a luxurious designer-pod, to be used by an eccentric set of researchers. Rather than researching the frozen wastes of Antarctica or the moons of Saturn, the invited artist/researchers undertook investigations into the surrounding wilderness and urban zones of uncertainty that still lie at the centre of Berlin.
- Mobile Research Station no.1
- MRS no.1 + researcher
- MRS interior
The research station was commissioned by SKULPTURENPARK BERLIN_ZENTRUM ( ) for their project Wunderland.
Researchers included:
Esther Polak (Amsterdam) 18th aug – 22nd Aug
Annika Lundgren (Gothenburg/Berlin) 17th – 21st Aug
Martin John Callanan (London) 24th – 30th
Katie Paterson (London) 31st Aug – 6th Sep
Nick Crowe & Ian Rawlinson (Manchester/Berlin) 5th – 10 Sep
Simon Faithfull (Berlin/London) 11th – 14th sep
Tim Knowles (London) 15h – 19th Sep
The first iteration of the project ended with a Research Communications Day where the investigators presented their findings from their one week explorations.